Thursday, January 14, 2010

Saving Money - Starting Out Simple

With all this talk about the economy down in the dumpsters people are wondering how am I going to save money. Interest rates, job cuts, investments not looking so hot, and etc. I'll be the first to admit I made my mistakes with my finances and recently has been exploring any techniques to turn it around. I came across a book "I will teach you to be rich. No Guilt. No Excuses. No B.S.". I know what you are thinking, I've heard this before. I had the same thought but a friend was using the techniques so I thought I give it a chance.

So what is so simple that I read out of a complicated subject? Well I think one of the biggest failures is people torturing themselves to save more. I have done the cold turkey save money plan and in my experience it did not work. I was unhappy and grumpy (story for another day). The biggest problem I was lazy transferring money over to the savings account which lead to me not saving the money I should. The plan may have seemed simple but it just made my life more complicated.

So one simple technique I took from the book was the automatic transfer function. I opened up an ING Direct account (by the way they are offering 3% Tax Free Savings Account right now (For the Canadian folks)) and I set up an automatic transfer every two weeks to take $14 from my chequing account to my TFSA (Tax Free Savings Account)(Here's a link about the TFSA). So that's $2 a day, do some math and that's $364 in about 6 months not including interest.

I'll let you guys know how it goes 6 months from now. It's a simple of way of saving and adopts the "Out of sight and out of mind" technique. It solved my being lazy to transfer funds problem and it made me not have to go cold turkey (I'll talk about that on my next blog about money).

P.S. I highly recommend picking up "I will teach you to be reach. No Guilt. No Excuses. No B.S.". Not only does he have ways to simplify your savings but also how to pay off credit card debt, get started in simple investing and other financial topics.

Keep it simple out there!

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